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CEREBRUM Engineering : Top flight expertise in Hydraulics, Mechanics, Control Systems and Multiphysical Computer Modelling.

30  years of professional experience have given us an excellent grounding in various multi-physical technologies. We are able to model all kinds of complex architectures, both in our core areas of expertise, which are  hydraulical, mechanical and control engineering and indeed for thermal and electrical phenomena.

Our engineers also do reverse engineering to determine the characteristics of physical systems and understand in detail how they work on specially designed test rigs.

We generally use  :

  • LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim program to model 1D multi-physical systems  to predict their dynamic behaviour.
  • LMS Virtual.Lab Motion to model the architecture of 3D systems and predict the effects of potential design modifications.



CEREBRUM Engineering provides its clients with :


Trouble-shooting for all kinds of industrial problems

- Vibratory and instability phenomena

- Modal analyses

- Mechanical breakdowns



- Dynamic analysis of architectures

- Determination of mechanical contraintes

- Dimensioning using finite element calculations (Virtual lab Motion)

- Validating algorithms and auto-pilotes

- Determining dynamic behaviour by physical tests



- Modelling of real working conditions

- Doing enregy analysis of an overall system and its sub-systems (components, …)

- Validating technical choices to improve productivity



The advantages

- Products work better

- Shortened development period

- More reliable products

- Reduction of « time to market »

- Cost savings during development




CEREBRUM Engineering works in the fields of industial plant, l'oil and gas, aeronautics, on & off road vehicles, hoists, earthwork plant, agricultual machines, … and enables you to :

- Investigate rapidly innovative designs, to find the best configuration

- Hasten the functional development, the choice of materials, the dimensioning of the components,

- Optimise multi-physical regulation,

- Identify the root causes and resolve operational problems,

- Enhance mechatronic control system drivers

- Improve vehicle dynamics

- Define benchmarking techniques ...



